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  • Writer's pictureHannah Kim

Red lights lead to green - 9/27/20

Updated: Feb 25, 2021

It definitely seems like things have hit traffic. The first couple weeks seemed to have flown by with a lot of events and excitement. I am not saying that I am no longer excited or that I am discouraged, but it seems like the waiting period that I have been expecting has come. I know that ISM comes with a lot of hard work and waiting but the earlier weeks of good news after good news had really pumped me up, and the stop sign has certainly brought me back to reality.

Even though a lot may not have happened for me in the professional realm, I got a lot of work done this week. I created some smart goals for the first and second semesters of ISM to keep me on track, and I wrote a topic proposal. Although Coach Goff and I already know what topic I will be studying this year, the topic proposal has given me more motivation to put even more effort than I have already been giving. Reading over the topic proposal I saw my past self asking questions and finding my interests. I know if I want to find opportunities that I have to go hunting for them rather than wait for them to come to me; therefore, next week I will try harder to build connections.

My goal next week is to really put myself out there. I want to reach out to at least five professionals to connect and three for an interview. Even if I do not get the responses I want, they will all serve as a learning experience. I hope to have at least one interview scheduled by the end of next week so that I can get a taste of what an interview is like and deepen my research with a primary source.

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